I recently worked on a very complex case for a couple. Partner A had three income streams: permanent employment, contracting (four recent contracts at a much higher level than previous income evidenced on tax returns), and property. Partner B had two jobs as a doctor (one started very recently, with most lenders requiring at least 12 months in a second role). He also had a default registered with British Gas after being charged for bills at a previous property despite having already moved out.

I coached Partner B through the British Gas appeals process, they have now removed the default from his credit report. Clydesdale agreed to proceed with a loan of £1.05 million in August, and I convinced the lender to allow the couple to select a rate from June. This saves them £320 a month, equating to £19,200 over the next five years.

Matthew Leggett – Mortgage and Protection Advisor at Mortgage Scout